Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Huckabee: Of Course He's a Fascist
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Huckabee: If You Don’t Give, I’ll Tax it Out of You
For how long will the Huckabee illusion continue? Right off the top: I think Mike Huckabee would be an absolute disaster as a nominee…and as president in the highly unlikely event he were elected. There are a number of reasons, but I will cover only one here…and it's not his obnoxious Christianeering*, but it is closely linked. Truth is, Huckabee has a history, including in statements on his campaign website right now, that shows he's a reflexive tax-hiker at heart and doesn't seem to have met a tax increase he can't rationalize.
Most of you have probably read this 1998 article as it has been the Drudge headline most of the day today.
"I'm often asked why taxes are so high and government is so big. It's because the faith we have in local churches has become so small. If we'd been doing what we should have — giving a dime from every dollar to help the widows, the orphans and the poor — we now wouldn't be giving nearly 50 cents of every dollar to a government that's doing … what we should have been doing all along."
Talk about swapping the chicken and the egg here! Sorry to use cliches in consecutive sentences, but Huckster was barking up the wrong tree as well.
First, the relationship between government intrusion in the social sector and the rate of charitable giving is this: it is BECAUSE government usurped the traditional social service role that more people came to depend on the state, with a concomitant reduction in community-based solutions to social ills. When government recedes in these areas, when pockets are picked less, charity increases.
Contrary to the tired "Decade of Greed" meme, the Reagan tax cuts led to a doubling in charitable giving (Note: look at the raw numbershere,, a lefty-run outfit, attempts to minimize the impact of Reagan tax policy).
Second, he is scolding the WRONG bunch. I'm used to such accusations from Jim Wallis (the Bible-waving socialist who regularly accuses conservative Christians of acting "unbiblically" and of "betraying Jesus") and Tony Campolo ("you can be Christian and care about the poor"), but not from someone trying to appeal to people who actually take Scripture to be more than a tool to advance a socialist agenda.
The fact is conservative Christians DO care about the poor and they actually do something about it…like give to charity. Conservative people of faith give more of their own money and time to charity than any other group, including Christian Leftists. Arthur Brooks compiled the bullet-proof truth in his book "Who Really Cares."
Here's the point. Huckabee, in this statement and in others, sees the government as Big Savior who fills the "need" when the flock "falls short." His default isn't, "Hey maybe the fact that government stuck its nose in the peoples' business in the first place led to a fluctuation in wasteful, redundant and decidedly failed public programs and a reduction in community solutions." No, Huckabee blames the very people who have and still do give more to the community than anyone else for failing and for the "necessity" of Big Savior's cold, bureaucratic and expensive infiltration.
The reason that this 1998 article is relevant today is that in the decade since, Huckabee continued to skip out on mandatory Sowell 101 classes and instead polished his resume as a tax hound. His own "Truth Squad" answers to Club For Growth and CATO shine the light on his "taxes are frequently the answer" form of, er, leadership.
First, I have to point out, he refers to CFG as "Club for Greed" and “anti-tax radicals.” (Kind of like when he referred to border enforcement and employer sanctions supporters as bigots…pattern?) He is maddeningly insistent that the only way to “cover budget shortfalls” is to raise taxes, using the state balanced budget amendment as thin cover for this claim. Time and time again, it has been shown that REDUCING taxes increases prosperity, reduces the inclination to hide income and therefore contributes to increased receipts to the treasury. So his, “what else was I supposed to do” argument rings hollow and shallow. Not only is the use of the state’s balanced budget amendment a pretty cheap juke, his statement that “90% of the state's budget is spent on education, Medicare, prisons, and human services” sets off MAJOR alarm bells, as if there was no opportunity to cut wasteful spending in those areas or reform the “human services” (Code Word Alert: welfare) to bring the budget in line.
He ends up going Clinton Postal in his "clarifying questions" for CFG section. I'll sum it up: You hate kids, you hate sick and old people, you think bridges should fall, etc. if you question my record during a presidential campaign and if you answer any way other than the choices we’ve given you. Again, he implies here that the only way to fix a welfare-packed budget shortfall is to raise taxes, so whatever other explanation he has for other fiscal policies needs to be considered through that prism.
I wish I had the time and was delusional enough to think that anyone has actually read to to this point…but neither is the case, so I'll wrap it up. Bottom line for Huckabee is that he can find a million good reasons to raise taxes, he blames the people least responsible for the "necessity" of government intrusion (the very same people he's playing Jedi Mind Trick on), he'll name-call whenever someone has a different opinion and, dad-gummit, he's doing it all as the [one and only] "Christian Leader" in the race. See, his policies regarding taxes and "helping" the poor are the proper Christian policies and if you are not feeling sufficiently tithey he'll make sure he gets it through the tax man. Render unto Caesar what is God's…that's how it goes right?
*I don't doubt Huckabee's sincerity as a believer and obviously his "vote for me because I'm a Christian" strategy is working pretty well right now (at the same time feeding the myth that Evangelicals are dolts who will simply follow a co-religionist if he can deliver a revival-tent stemwinder…he can). However, unlike faith-centered candidates like Reagan and Bush 43, it seems to be all he's got and he'll go to that one well until he's sucking magma from the ground below it.
PS — his support for the Fair Tax is pretty meaningless in that he KNOWS it doesn't have a chance. Cynical yes, but I have a feeling his support for the Fair Tax is a smoke-screen to obscure his lack of a realistic tax refrom plan. We've seen what Gov. Huck will do when there is a "budget shortfall." It's spelled T-A-X and he continues to toot that trumpet. So how can we trust him to act differently as president?
Original post by Glib Fortuna, 12/10/2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Bombed If You Do, Bombed If You Don't
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Sunday, December 09, 2007
Imperialism Isn't Fun When The Enemy Can Shoot Back
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Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Please Ignore Ron Paul.
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Thursday, November 29, 2007
Barry Goldwater Predicts Ron Paul
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
An Open Letter to Orthodox Christians, on Behalf of Ron Paul
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Monopoly "Money" vs the Liberty Dollar - Will Grigg
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Monday, November 19, 2007
Ron Paul Wins Nationwide Zogby Blind Poll
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Thursday, November 15, 2007
A Non-Voter’s Thoughts on Ron Paul
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Sunday, November 11, 2007
What's So "Sinister" About "Liberty, Prosperity, and Peace"? Will Grigg
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Monday, October 29, 2007
Christians should support Constitutional government
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Sunday, October 21, 2007
The Dividing Line: HR 3835, The "American Freedom Agenda Act" - Will Grigg
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Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Briefly Considered: A Prediction Partially Fulfilled - Will Grigg
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Briefly Considered: A Prediction Partially Fulfilled - Will Grigg
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Monday, October 01, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Bush Seals His Betrayal of the Religious Right
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
"These Are MY Sons!"
FTA: "I would kill any member of any armed gang who would violate the sanctity of my home for the purpose of abducting one of our children. It doesn't matter what exalted title he would possess, or what tricked-out gang colors that gang-banger would wear. That principle, as John Locke would say, applies equally to both private sector gangs and those who operate under the supposed authority of the state.
It's quite simple: If you threaten my kids, I'll hurt you. If you try to kidnap them from me, I'll kill you. Capice?"
Read the full article HERE
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
The Ron Paul epiphany
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Ron Paul people give what money can't buy...
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Monday, September 10, 2007
Anti-Americans Are Everywhere
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Thursday, September 06, 2007
Ron Paul Is in a Class By Himself
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Monday, August 27, 2007
Best interview ABOUT Dr. Paul, ever!
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That Ron Paul Bash
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
America's Pastors: Preachers of Truth or Promoters of Tyranny?
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Ten Reasons Why Ron Paul Can’t Win
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Sunday, August 19, 2007
What do Ron Paul's numbers mean?
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
The Decline & Fall of the Southern Baptists
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Sunday, August 12, 2007
Having Fun Doing Good
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Thursday, August 09, 2007
From Grassroots Great Things Grow
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Day Zero a feature film
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Tuesday, August 07, 2007
We’re All Neocons Now... Except Ron Paul, thankfully
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Monday, August 06, 2007
2008: Hillary Clinton vs. Ron Paul?
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Saturday, August 04, 2007
Congressman Ron Paul's Secret Revealed
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Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Ron Paul - Fusion Candidate
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Ron Paul vs the Empire
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Sunday, July 29, 2007
Ron Paul in San Antonio!
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Once upon a time, I believed...
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Saturday, July 21, 2007
Dr. Ron Paul's Statement of Faith
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Friday, July 20, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
A Soldier Reflects
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Ron Paul Changes Minds
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Saturday, July 14, 2007
Rudy’s New Foreign Policy Posse
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Soldiers Share the Devastating Tales of War
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Sunday, July 08, 2007
100,000 Trees need to be planted to offset effects of Live Earth
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Saturday, July 07, 2007
Party Hacks, Propagandists and Apologists
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Monday, July 02, 2007
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Sunday, July 01, 2007
Neoconservative radicalism has reshaped our political spectrum
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Saturday, June 30, 2007
Dick 'Big Brother' Cheney
Friday, June 29, 2007
Identifying With the State
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Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Conservatives Must Oppose Militarism and War
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Sunday, June 24, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Goodbye and Good Luck, by Charley Reese
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Friday, June 22, 2007
The Martyr of Mosul, Pat Buchanan
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Thursday, June 21, 2007
Phantom Politics, Dr. Clyde Wilson
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Have We Forgotten 2003 Already?
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We Are All Potentially Enemy Combatants
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Monday, June 18, 2007
Wanted: A New Conservatism
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Foreign Policy Socialists of the GOP
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Sunday, June 17, 2007
Lying Us Into War, Again
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We Have Always Been At War With Eastasia...
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Friday, June 15, 2007
Will YOUR candidate sign this pledge?
The stalwart conservatives behind this project are Bruce Fein, Bob Barr, Richard Viguerie, and David Keene.
One Presidential candidate has already signed this document. Dr. Ron Paul. I wonder who else will state unequivocally that the oath they take means something to them? Who else will bind him or her self with the strong cords of the Constitution? We'll see.
Here's the pledge:
Freedom Pledge
I, (candidate), hereby pledge that if elected President of the United States I will undertake the following to restore the Constitution’s checks and balances, to honor fundamental protections against injustice, and to eschew usurpations of legislative or judicial power.These are keystones of national security and individual freedom:
1. No Military Commissions Except on the Battlefield. I will not employ military commissions to prosecute offenses against the laws of war except in places where active hostilities are ongoing and a battlefield tribunal is necessary to obtain fresh testimony and to prevent local anarchy or chaos.
2. No Evidence Extracted by Torture or Coercion. I will not permit the use of evidence obtained by torture or coercion to be admissible in a military commission or other tribunal.
3. No Detaining Citizens as Unlawful Enemy Combatants. I will not detain any American citizen as an unlawful enemy combatant. Citizens accused of terrorism-linked crimes will be prosecuted in federal civilian courts.
4. Restoring Habeas Corpus for Suspected Alien Enemy Combatants. I will detain non-citizens as enemy combatants only if they have actively participated in actual hostilities against the United States. I will urge Congress to amend the Military Commissions Act of 2006 to permit any individual detained under the custody or control of the United States government to file a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in federal courts.
5. Prohibiting Warrantless Spying by the National Security Agency in Violation of Law. I will prohibit the National Security Agency from gathering foreign intelligence except in conformity with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, and end the NSA’s domestic surveillance program that targets American citizens on American soil for warrantless electronic surveillance.
6. Renouncing Presidential Signing Statements. I will not issue presidential signing statements declaring the intent to disregard provisions of a bill that I have signed into law because I believe they are unconstitutional. Instead, I will veto any bill that I believe contains an unconstitutional provision and ask Congress to delete it and re-pass the legislation.
7. Ending Secret Government by Invoking State Secrets Privilege. I will not invoke the state secrets privilege to deny remedies to individuals victimized by constitutional violations perpetrated by government officials or agents. I will not assert executive privilege to deny Congress information relevant to oversight or legislation unless supreme state secrets are involved. In that case, I will submit the privilege claim to a legislative-executive committee for definitive resolution.
8. Stopping Extraordinary Renditions. I will order the cessation of extraordinary renditions except where the purpose of the capture and transportation of the suspected criminal is for prosecution according to internationally accepted standards of fairness and due process.
9. Stopping Threats to Prosecuting Journalists under the Espionage Act. I will urge Congress to amend the Espionage Act to create a journalistic exception for reporting on matters relating to the national defense. As a matter of prosecutorial discretion, until such an amendment is enacted I will not prosecute journalists for alleged Espionage Act violations except for the intentional disclosure of information that threatens immediate physical harm to American troops or citizens at home or abroad.
10. Ending the Listing of Individuals or Organizations as Terrorists Based on Secret Evidence. I will not list individuals or organizations as foreign terrorists or foreign terrorist organizations for purposes of United States or international law based on secret evidence.
I will issue a public report annually elaborating on how the actions enumerated in paragraphs 1-10 have strengthened the ability of the United States to defeat international terrorism, secure fundamental freedoms, and preserve the nation’s democratic dispensation.
Date: ______________________
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
The Interventionist-Internationalist Complex
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Monday, June 11, 2007
Post–Constitutional America
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American Idols
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Sunday, June 10, 2007
Smug Neocon Kristol Disses Bush Big Time
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Saturday, June 09, 2007
The Real Reason for Bush’s Invasion of Iraq Is a National Security Secret
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Why the Tax Protestors' Movement Cannot Succeed
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Thursday, June 07, 2007
Whither the Remnant? by Butler Shaffer
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Tuesday, June 05, 2007
If You Think Bush Is Evil Now, Wait Until He Nukes Iran
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Ron Paul vs. The Christian Right
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Monday, June 04, 2007
My son, the libertarian.....
Ron Paul ...12,001 -- Wants to restore Bill of Rights and Constitution!
Obama...5,768 -- Did cocaine with Rick James (its In Obama's book)!
Clinton...3,212 -- Talking head for Socialist Elites and Israel. Supports carbon tax!
Romney.2,014 -- Mormon, believes he will be a God one day with many spirit wives!
Giuliani..1,389 -- From crime family, Married his cousin, Divorced 3 times!
McCain..1,259 -- Supports expensive, endless war against a poorly defined enemy "Terrorism"!
Ron Paul has completely ambushed the media and the American public. I first heard of Ron Paul about 4 years ago and he instantly became one of my heroes after I heard a speech he gave on the floor of congress. This was right around the time when I became interested in politics and was becoming fed up with the two parties controlling our lives and the world. I decided I was a libertarian.
About a year ago, my dad came to me announcing to me that Ron Paul was planning on running for president and that he was going to support him as much as he could through bumper stickers and internet blogs. All I could think at the time was "Good luck, Ron Paul's chances are thinner than a strand of hair." So I didn't take it seriously.
Over the past month or so though, things have changed. This old hero of mine from four years ago that no one knew about, that no one cared about, whose ideas were so challenging, is now gaining so much popularity and support in just a matter of 2 weeks, both Republicans and Democrats are fleeing to this Moses-type character because they know he's our only hope for freedom by leading us out of slavery.
I watch these videos on youtube of GOP debates where Ron Paul is ripping it up, fundraising speeches, etc. The response to his ideas (which have been my ideas for the past 4 years) is overwhelming. He's taking everyone by surprise and everyone in the media is talking about him. I seriously have been on the verge of tears to see him giving America some hope to free us from this enslaved corporate-statism that is our bloated, out-of-control government.
You can even go to the videos of the democratic debates and all the coments talk about Ron Paul. His support and following is extraordinary to me, I have never seen this happen to an unknown politician with radical ideas. Yet even with all his support, the corporate-owned government media is trying so hard to hold him back, but Paul continues to prevail and continues to challenge peoples ideas. The extraordinary part is that his ideas are ACTUALLY getting across to people.
4 years ago I argued with so many republicans about the war in Iraq and all the republicans just gave me endless #### about their threat to us. I told them that the war is not just, I told them Iraq has nothing to do with 9/11, I told them 9/11 was the result of bad foreign policy of interventionalism. I told them that no matter what Bush says, things in Iraq will only get worse, and the war will never end or succeed. They thought I was wrong and blindly supported Bush thinking he would prevail. These things never prevail... Over time though, Bush's ratings began to go down, he began losing support as the war continued to rage on with no hope in sight. There's still none... even after 4 years of arguing with republicans.
And now with an election drawing near... a voice comes out of the shadows of the libertarian ideology and is reaching to people as an alternative... and people are actually listening... My shock is that REPUBLICANS... the people I so loathed and hated... are coming to their senses after witnessing Bush's failures. Republican's are showing signs of moving in a new direction AWAY from neo-conservativism and towards constitutional liberty... towards real freedom... real genuine honest to God sacred freedom that we've been missing out on. The freedom I've been wanting for four years and beyond.
There's hope... I know there is. I'm not losing faith in the world and its people...
Under Ron Paul's Presidency, we would have:
-An end to the war in Iraq, our troops from bases all over the world home and safe. No more bloodshed. No more war.
-An end to tyrannical bureacracy: the IRS, the Federal Reserve, the CIA, the FBI, the DEA, virtually all of the Departments.
-A prevention of the REAL ID act, and other Big Brother scams.
-An end to the income tax.
-Social and personal liberty and freedom.
-An end to expensive, dangerous and pointless pursuits such as the War on Drugs
-An end to corporate subsidies and corporate/state sponsorships (corporatism)
-A return to the Constitution.
Patrick's blog
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Tolkien v. Power
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Dying for Nothing
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Republican Authoritarianism
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Ron Paul and the Founders versus Our Interventionist Elite
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